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Hugo TomeSep 11, 2024 8:05:11 PM3 min read

3 Ways AKTEK Investigation Support Can Unlock New Leads in Stalled Investigations

Investigations often hit roadblocks, with leads running dry and progress stalling. Many corporate investigation firms encounter situations where traditional methods yield limited results, leaving cases unresolved. These cases are frustrating and can be costly, leading to unresolved issues like repeated asset or materials theft, insider threats, or fraud with countless negative ripple effects. 

But what if there was a way to breathe new life into these stalled investigations? AKTEK Investigation Support offers just that—an innovative approach to uncovering fresh leads and moving cases forward.

The Importance of Fresh Leads in Investigations

When an investigation stalls, it’s usually due to a lack of actionable information. Without new leads, investigators may find themselves circling the same old data without making real progress. This is particularly problematic in complex corporate crime cases, where timely resolutions are crucial.

Fresh leads are the lifeblood of any successful investigation. They offer new directions to explore, additional suspects to consider, or new pieces of evidence that could change the course of the case. Without these leads, the likelihood of closing a case diminishes, increasing the risk of ongoing harm to the organization.


How AKTEK Investigation Support Revives Stalled Investigations

  1. Advanced-Data Insights

  2. Historical Data Access
  3. Targeted Focus and Narrowing Down

Advanced-Data Insights

One core way AKTEK Investigation Support helps unlock new leads is through advanced data insights. Our support team has access to many intelligence feeds, including geolocation data and historical records. This data-rich environment allows investigators to uncover information that might have been missed in earlier stages of the investigation.

Example Scenario: Imagine a case of insider theft where all traditional avenues have been exhausted. With AKTEK’s advanced data insights, investigators might discover a pattern of movement in or around the client’s compound that matches a suspect’s behavior, providing a new lead to follow.

Historical Data Access

Another powerful tool is AKTEK’s historical data access. With the ability to access data for up to three years into the past, investigators can explore past activities, identify patterns, and find previously overlooked connections.

Example Scenario: In a stalled fraud investigation, revisiting historical financial transactions with AKTEK’s tools might reveal a consistent pattern of minor discrepancies leading back to a single individual, offering a fresh lead to pursue.

Targeted Focus and Narrowing Down

AKTEK helps investigators refine their focus by using advanced filtering and analysis tools. This targeted approach allows teams to zero in on the most promising leads, reducing time spent on irrelevant data and concentrating efforts where they matter most.

Example Scenario: In an asset theft case involving multiple suspects, AKTEK’s tools can help narrow the investigation to a key individual whose movements and transactions align with the theft timeline, providing a clear direction for the investigation.

Person pointing at an investigation board


The Strategic Advantage of AKTEK’s Investigation Support in Corporate Investigations

Incorporating AKTEK Investigation Support into your investigative process provides a strategic advantage. Your team can unlock new leads that would otherwise remain hidden by leveraging advanced data insights, historical data access, and targeted focus. This revives stalled investigations and enhances your capability to resolve current cases efficiently and effectively.

Furthermore, the ability to access and analyze diverse data sources sets AKTEK’s Investigation Support apart from traditional investigative methods. This edge can lead to higher case resolution rates, reduced investigation time, and strengthen the reputation of your agency.



Stalled investigations don’t have to be the end of the road. With AKTEK Investigation Support, you can unlock new leads, revive dormant cases, and achieve your client's desired results. By utilizing advanced data insights, historical records, focused analysis, and near real-time updates, AKTEK empowers you to navigate even the most challenging investigations confidently.

Ready to take your investigations to the next level? Explore how AKTEK Investigation Support can transform your approach and drive successful outcomes.

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Hugo Tome

As the Marketing Manager at AKTEK, my main goals are to better understand our clients and customers and build awareness about how AKTEK iO, our end-to-end data management software, can satisfy their needs.