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Abir AlkhawandJul 30, 2024 9:27:12 AM1 min read


Welcome to our latest monthly update! This month, we’ve rolled out several exciting updates to help you unlock new insights and increase productivity.

AKTEK iQ - Areas

Device Monitor

Tracking a device of interest has always been challenging for your security team. We've introduced a new device monitor section where you can schedule device queries for your interested devices. 

The best part? After each query run, a dashboard is automatically generated, and the results are sent as a PDF to your inbox, providing you with critical insights based on your custom configurations and preferences.

Device tracking on AKTEK iQ

Additions to last month’s improvements.

  1. Search the list of data structures. We've expanded the search functionality to include keyword combinations within the list of data structures. Now, you can use the + or / symbols to search for specific data structures that contain two particular keywords or tags, making it easier to find exactly what you need.
    data structures on AKTEK iO
  2. Convert GPS coordinates into country codes. Last month, we introduced an automation feature for this. 

If you use the areas module of AKTEK iQ, you won't need to use this automation manually anymore. The country code field will automatically be included in the newly generated data tables for AKTEK iQ data.

intelligence management on AKTEK iO


Tips and Tricks

Let's discuss the URL frame, a popular feature on your dashboard. This component lets you embed a live preview of a relevant webpage directly into your analysis. 

However, critical information might only sometimes be at the top of the page, and you want users to avoid scrolling and searching for it. 

The solution is simple: you can specify which element of the webpage you want to display in the URL frame by adding the element's ID to the URL, preceded by the # symbol. 

For a detailed, step-by-step guide, please consult your account manager.

data dashboards on AKTEK iO

Are you excited to explore these features? Request your demo today and start leveraging the power of AKTEK iO's latest updates!



Abir Alkhawand

As a product manager at AKTEK, I aim to improve product features and customer experience continuously. I support our clients with their requests, collect their suggestions, and coordinate with the technical team for the most efficient delivery of these updates.