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Abstract Data background
Abir AlkhawandMar 30, 2023 1:34:02 PM2 min read

March 2023 AKTEK iO Updates

The arrival of spring has brought some fresh new features to iO, and we're eager to share them with you. So keep reading to find out what's new! 

You can also head to our helpdesk to learn how to make the most of these new features.


Data reports

Matrix upload settings

Located at the top of the matrix view, you will notice a settings icon with an option for Case Sensitivity. Enabling this feature prompts iO to scrutinize the following fields and reject any entries that do not match the exact case of the original entry:

  • Fixed Options
  • Reference Field
  • Application Fields

However, if you're copying information from another source, such as a spreadsheet, and would like to ignore case sensitivity, simply turn this feature off.
case sensitivity feature on iO


Smart Filter

Tags in the smart filter

We're excited to announce that you can now filter by tag in any applicable smart filter, including:

  • Data table
  • Dashboard
  • Network
  • Chart measure
  • Conditional access control
  • Conditional Colouring

This new feature allows for even more precise filtering and analysis, making navigating and manipulating your data easier.
filter by entry tags on data tables


Introducing Network Layers

To answer your needs, you can now add the same report multiple times to a network in iO. This feature is handy when you require the same data twice but with different filters or display fields.

When adding a report for the second time, you must give it a unique name to distinguish it from the first layer. This name will also appear in the legend, making it easier for you to differentiate between the different layers of your network.
Data network layers on AKTEK iO

Network data layers 2



Scrollable information pop-up

When you hover over a point on the line chart, a popup with a list of values will appear. However, if more than five items are on the list, clicking on the point is necessary to display the information. The popup will be scrollable.

Data dashboards on iO

Network Component

When adding the network component to your dashboard, the legend of the network will be visible within this component. While this improves readability and understanding, the legend is not interactive. If you wish to interact with the network, please go to the network section.

data networks on iO


Advanced Actions

We added a new section called “Advanced” under the “Admin” section. This section will allow you to restore deleted fields from a data structure and delete all data from a specific table. These actions are subject to permissions, and it is essential to have them activated on your license. Please contact your account manager for assistance if you cannot see the "Advanced" section.
advanced data management actions on iO

Upcoming Changes

Updated design

Soon, you'll notice that the Explorer and Admin pages have a fresh design to improve iO’s UX. Don't worry! The colors you've chosen under the Theme section will still be applicable.

Improved Map Performance

We have a surprise for those with a significant amount of data points on their map! A new version of the Geo map will be released soon, providing you with a smooth experience and a high-speed, responsive map. Additionally, we will add new functionalities to the map in the upcoming months.

Want to explore these features?

Request your demo!

Abir Alkhawand
As a product manager at AKTEK, I aim to improve product features and customer experience continuously. I support our clients with their requests, collect their suggestions, and coordinate with the technical team for the most efficient delivery of these updates.